Child-to-parent violence worksheet

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What is the theory behind this child-to-parent violence worksheet?

Every child shows temper tantrums, disagreement, and anger towards their parents or other family members, however, some children and adolescents show behaviors that are unacceptable and inappropriate. It can be known as child-to-parent violence. This is an important issue and must be resolved to promote a healthy home environment. 

How will this worksheet help you?

This worksheet is helpful for parents to identify the pattern and kind of violence their children or adolescents exhibit towards their parents. They will be able to identify if the abuse is emotional, physical, verbal, or financial. Further, identifying the reasons and causes of arguments and disagreements can help parents and children resolve them. You can also explore ways of resolving these issues related to your children’s abusive and violent behavior. 

How to use this worksheet?

This worksheet is a guide to the parent or other family member who is experiencing child-to-parent abuse. Parents can fill out this worksheet in their free time and discuss it with their therapist as well as with their children’s therapist to work on this problem. By completing the last section of the worksheet they can find ways to deal with such violent and abusive behaviors instantly. 

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