Clinical Psychology Case Studies Worksheet 

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What is the theory behind this Clinical Psychology Case Studies Worksheet?

Understanding cases in clinical psychology is a bit tricky thing usually lacks practice results poor and misdiagnosis. Usually, diagnosis helps us create a treatment plan and go forward with the therapeutic procedure. Misdiagnosis can lead to poor progress and relapse. Practitioners are required to practice a lot by reading cases and giving tentative diagnoses to check their analysis skills. This is a practice worksheet to help new practitioners clear their concepts regarding diagnosis.  

How will the worksheet help? 

The worksheet will help practitioners analyze cases according to DSM criteria A, B, and C.  It will help them clear their concepts by doing differentials diagnosis with other disorders. It enhances their clinical skills and facilitates them in analyzing cases from every angle. 

How to use the worksheet?

Individuals are required to read cases thoroughly and find out the severity, frequency, and intensity of symptoms along with their overall duration. They must have DSM while doing this worksheet. And diagnose cases by reading criteria and do differential diagnoses.  

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