Clinical Supervision Worksheet

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What is the theory behind the clinical supervision worksheet?

Clinical supervision is defined as the process of professional support, guidance, learning, and reflection that contribute to individual development and growth. It is a professional relationship between an individual supervisee and a supervisor. The purpose of clinical supervision is to prepare supervisees to deal with the clinical population without a supervisor, once they have completed their training. Supervisors make sure the supervisee follows ethical boundaries and provide corrective feedback when needed. 

How will this worksheet help you?

This worksheet is helpful for both the supervisee and the supervisor. It can help both in following the learning goals, progress, learning behavior, and expectation of the supervisee.  Supervisors can plan new goals and record the progress of supervisees in an effective way with the help of this worksheet. It can improve the overall process of clinical supervision and provide detailed knowledge and skills to be acquired by the supervisees.

How to use this worksheet?

This worksheet is designed especially for supervisors. They can maintain this worksheet on a monthly basis to measure the progress of their supervisees and the lessons learned. The later section of the worksheet can be completed with the supervisee to decide certain things related to clinical supervision. After completing it, the supervisor and supervisee both need to sign the worksheet for agreement.

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