Cognitive Flexibility Worksheet

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What is the theory behind the Worksheet?

The theory behind the Cognitive Flexibility Worksheet is based on cognitive psychology, which investigates the human brain’s ability to adapt to new situations, change perspectives, and think differently in the same situation. 

Cognitive flexibility develops problem-solving skills, emotional regulation, and resilience. This helps individuals practice and improve their ability to change their thinking patterns, which leads to flexible cognitive processes.

How will the worksheet help?

It assists the individual in responding effectively, enhancing the capacity to change schemas and adjust to novel situations. 

People can improve their resilience, emotional control, and problem-solving abilities by doing these activities. 

This results in improved coping mechanisms in many aspects of life, and more flexible thought patterns.

How to use the worksheet?

First column; write what is bothering you.You write the areas in which you make changes.
The third column is for cognitive alternatives of new perspectives.

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