Complacency in Addiction Worksheet

This worksheet is designed to address complacency, a common yet often overlooked barrier in the journey to recovery from addiction. Complacency can be a significant obstacle, leading to a false sense of security and potentially to relapse. This tool aims to help individuals in recovery stay engaged, motivated, and proactive in their journey towards lasting sobriety.

What Are The Theories Behind This Worksheet?

The development of this worksheet is grounded in several key psychological and addiction recovery theories:

  1. Self-Determination Theory (SDT) – Emphasizes the role of motivation in human behavior and its importance in fostering recovery from addiction.
  2. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) – Underlines how changing maladaptive thinking patterns can lead to changes in behavior, which is crucial for overcoming complacency.
  3. Relapse Prevention Theory – Focuses on identifying and managing high-risk situations, including complacency, to prevent relapse.

These theories collectively inform the worksheet’s structure, aiming to enhance self-awareness, motivation, and resilience against complacency in recovery.

How Will This Worksheet Help You?

This worksheet will help you by:

  • Enhancing self-awareness of complacency’s signs and symptoms.
  • Identifying personal triggers and high-risk situations.
  • Developing strategies to stay motivated and engaged in recovery.
  • Encouraging reflection on personal goals and values related to sobriety.

How Should You Use This Worksheet?

Set aside uninterrupted time to reflect on each question honestly. Write down your responses in a journal or digital document for future reference.

Consider sharing your insights with a therapist to gain additional perspectives and support.

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