Control Mastery Theory

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This worksheet is designed to help you explore and apply the principles of Control Mastery Theory (CMT) in your daily life. CMT is a therapeutic approach that emphasizes understanding how our past experiences shape our behavior and how we can overcome these influences to achieve our goals.

What Are The Theories Behind This Worksheet?

Control Mastery Theory, developed by Joseph Weiss in the late 20th century, suggests that people develop unconscious plans to overcome obstacles and traumas from their past. The theory asserts that individuals strive to master their environments and relationships healthily but may be hindered by unconscious fears and guilt. This worksheet is based on the idea that by understanding these plans and the underlying beliefs, you can navigate challenges more effectively and fulfill your potential.

How Will This Worksheet Help You?

By using this worksheet, you will:

  • Gain insights into unconscious beliefs that influence your behavior.
  • Develop strategies to confront and overcome these beliefs.
  • Enhance your ability to pursue goals without being held back by past experiences.

How Should You Use This Worksheet?

Take your time with each prompt and answer honestly. Reflect on your responses and consider how they relate to your current challenges and goals. This is not a one-time activity; revisit the worksheet as you progress in your personal or therapeutic journey. 

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