Coping Thoughts Worksheet

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Coping refers to the complex set of behaviours and cognitions that individuals use to deal with stress and adversity. 

A thought is attention given to something or someone. This mental process allows people to model the world according to their goals, plans, and desires.

There are three types of thoughts that our brains produce; insightful (used for problem-solving), experiential (focused on the task at hand), and incessant (thoughts that create unnecessary suffering).

What Are The Theories Behind This Worksheet?

Coping theories can be divided into two;

  • Focus-oriented theories
  • Approach-oriented theories (micro-analytic and macro-analytic)

The focus-oriented theory recognises an individual’s mental capacity for evaluating how well they can adapt to a situation (experiential and insightful thinking)

The approach-oriented theory revolves around how concrete or abstract the coping mechanisms are (defence mechanisms as a method of coping). 

In order to function well in society, we need to learn different ways of introducing experiential and insightful thinking in our everyday life.

How Will This Worksheet Help You?

Coping thoughts help us adjust to stressful events and major life changes by maintaining our mental and emotional well-being.

People who are able to adapt to stressful or traumatic situations through productive coping thoughts are less likely to experience anxiety, depression, and other mental health concerns. 

How Should You Use This Worksheet?

This worksheet should be used when you’re experiencing racing intrusive thoughts.

You can also use this worksheet as a self-evaluating tool for engaging in positive coping thoughts in your daily life.

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Positive Psychology: Resilience & Coping. (© 2022). What is Coping Theory? Available at: [Accessed November 17, 2022]


Sebastian Justin. (2017) 3 Types of Thinking. Available at: [Accessed November 17, 2022]