Coping with emotion in recovery worksheet 

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What is the theory behind this Coping with emotion in recovery worksheet?

Coping with emotions is an essential part of healing or recovery in the context of mental health disorders or difficult life situations. There are numerous theories of coping, which are employed in the psychotherapeutic process. Positive coping strategies for coping with emotions are linked with healthy mental health outcomes. 

How will this worksheet help?

The Coping with Emotions in Recovery worksheet can help individuals recover from mental health-related issues and prevent relapse. Thus, this worksheet can be employed as part of the relapse prevention plan. Consider this as a guideline for use whenever difficult situations arise, so you can seek the help that you sought before, and that worked out for you.

How to use this worksheet?

To use the Coping with Emotions in Recovery worksheet, individuals in recovery should follow these steps:

  • Identify triggers: Write down situations or events that trigger difficult emotions.
  • Identify emotions: Write down the emotions that are triggered by each situation or event.
  • Identify current coping strategies: Write down the ways in which you currently cope with difficult emotions.
  • Identify new coping strategies: Brainstorm new, healthier coping strategies that could be used instead of current strategies.
  • Develop a self-care plan: Write down self-care activities that promote overall well-being and reduce stress.
  • Seek support: Identify individuals or groups that can provide additional support and resources for maintaining sobriety.

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Berking, M., Wupperman, P., Reichardt, A., Pejic, T., Dippel, A., & Znoj, H. (2008). Emotion-regulation skills as a treatment target in psychotherapy. Behavior research and therapy, 46(11), 1230-1237.