Defiant Behavior Worksheet

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What is the theory behind this Defiant Behavior Worksheet?

Defiant behaviors are behaving in a way that is against social norms. Individuals who exhibit such behavior are found to disobey others, don’t like to follow rules and are physically verbally, and emotionally aggressive. Such individuals are often engaged in others and have self-destructive behaviors. They are likely to bully others and harm humans and animals through different means  

How will the worksheet help?

This worksheet can help clients assess their behavior that is against social norms. It gives clients knowledge about all the maladaptive behavioral patterns. During therapy, worksheets can help healthcare practitioners assess the client’s maladaptive defiant behavior and its intensity in different areas.    

How to use the worksheet?

This worksheet is helpful for the client and practitioners to identify all the defiant attitudes. It is recommended that the worksheet should be filled by a client or a close observer. Instruct the client to read statements carefully.  Rate their behavior according to intensity. There are 3 categories ( at home, with peers, and in any social setting) if the behavior is observable in only 1 set give 1 mark to it if it is evident in 2 settings then mark 2 and if it is more than one setting then mark 3. After assessing all the items higher rating is indicative of severe defiant behavior and indicates immediate clinical attention. Through this worksheet, clients can have an insight into their maladaptive behavior. 

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