Discharge Planning Checklist Worksheet

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What is the theory behind this Discharge Planning Checklist Worksheet?

A discharge plan includes all the information an individual may need to be aware of regarding their condition and stay at the hospital or facility. It is to ensure the individual being discharged after proper care is fully aware of what they need to do to manage their condition now that they are leaving the facility. A lot of times clients are unaware of this and a discharge planning checklist can help them immensely in making sure they have all that they need. 

How will the worksheet help?

The checklist in this worksheet can be provided to clients who are being discharged after being treated at a mental health facility. This will ensure they are aware of what they need to do as part of their discharge routine. They can use the checklist to make sure they have all the information and paperwork they need to be able to take care of themselves. 

How to use the worksheet?

This worksheet can be used by clients who are about to be discharged after their stay at a hospital or mental health facility. Instruct them to thoroughly go through the checklist and ensure nothing is amiss. Staff can help them if they are facing any issues with completing the checklist. 

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