Existential-Humanistic Therapy Worksheet

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This worksheet is designed to help you explore deeper questions about your existence, such as life’s meaning, values, and choices. This approach encourages you to discover and align with your true self, promoting a more fulfilling life.

What Are The Theories Behind This Worksheet?

This worksheet is based on Existential-Humanistic Therapy, which integrates principles from existential philosophy and humanistic psychology. Key theorists include Viktor Frankl, who emphasized finding personal meaning in life, even in difficult circumstances. Rollo May explored the anxiety of confronting existential dilemmas and the importance of taking responsibility for our actions. Carl Rogers introduced the concept of ‘unconditional positive regard‘ to foster an environment where individuals feel free to express their true selves.

How Will This Worksheet Help You?

Engaging with this worksheet can:

  1. Help you clarify your life’s purpose and personal values.
  2. Encourage you to face existential challenges with a new perspective.
  3. Assist in embracing freedom and responsibility in your decisions.
  4. Support you in leading a more authentic and meaningful life.

How Should You Use This Worksheet?

Take your time with each prompt. Reflect deeply and honestly, and write down your thoughts and feelings. There is no right or wrong answer here—your true experience and belief matter. Revisit these exercises periodically to explore your perspective changes and deepen your understanding of yourself.

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