Goal setting worksheet for High school students

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What is the theory behind this Goal setting worksheet for High school students?

Goal-making or goal-setting is considered a healthy habit because it brings healthy and successful outcomes. Introducing goal setting in high school students is a great way to give them a growth mindset which can bring greater success. This habit of goal setting can be utilized in later life where they will have to decide on bigger plans and goals for their lives. 

How will this worksheet help you? 

This worksheet can be helpful as a classroom activity for the students to write down their goals and plan for them or it can also be used by yourself to make your goals and an action plan to reach those goals. You will also check if your goals are SMART or not. If not, then you can make it smart and work towards it. 

How to use this worksheet? 

This worksheet is quite comprehensive and easy to complete. You just need to think of a goal that you want to achieve and the very first step is to see if it’s realistic and SMART or not. After this read every question and answer it. You can also take help from your mentor, parents, caregiver, or therapists if you face any difficulty. 

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