Goals and Priorities Worksheet 

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What is the theory behind this Goals and Priorities Worksheet?

Individuals often have confusion in setting their goals mostly people got stuck with their priorities and goal setting. People sometimes got stuck on one area of life and neglect other priorities which creates a negative impact on living. To deal with this confusion worksheet has been designed for individuals to focus on priorities and set goals for each and every important area of life to maintain healthy living.

How will the worksheet help?

The worksheet will facilitate you in analyzing your life and focusing on living. It will provide an insight into areas of life that are your priority but still get neglected due to certain reasons. It will help you prioritize things in your life and set specific goals for every area. It will enhance your planning and goal-setting behavior.  

How to use the worksheet?

The worksheet requires you to answer questions in the initial part where you will assess your priorities and your current mismanagement. Later it provides you with a chart where you can split your priorities and assess your performance for each and it will guide you to set future goals for the betterment 

Goals and Priorities Worksheet 

What is the theory behind this Goals and Priorities Worksheet?

Individuals often have confusion in setting their goals mostly people got stuck with their priorities and goal setting. People sometimes got stuck on one area of life and neglect other priorities which creates a negative impact on living. To deal with this confusion worksheet has been designed for individuals to focus on priorities and set goals for each and every important area of life to maintain healthy living.

How will the worksheet help?

The worksheet will facilitate you in analyzing your life and focusing on living. It will provide an insight into areas of life that are your priority but still get neglected due to certain reasons. It will help you prioritize things in your life and set specific goals for every area. It will enhance your planning and goal-setting behavior.  

How to use the worksheet?

The worksheet requires you to answer questions in the initial part where you will assess your priorities and your current mismanagement. Later it provides you with a chart where you can split your priorities and assess your performance for each and it will guide you to set future goals for the betterment 

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