Gratitude and Recovery Worksheet

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What is the theory behind this Gratitude and recovery worksheet?

Gratitude is basically practicing forgiveness and thinking in a positive way. Nowadays it has been observed that people have bad experiences in their life which lead them towards rumination and regulates negative emotion which makes them vulnerable to adopting maladaptive patterns in their lives. Practicing gratitude heals the previous wounds that are bleeding continuously and leads us toward a feeling of calm and comfort. I can include forgiveness, Discounting negative in others, Encouraging ourselves, and much more.

How will the worksheet help?

This worksheet can help clients to practice more optimism in their life it will help them generate another perspective on negative incidents and encourage them to be happy. It will help reduce rumination and support more positive thinking in regular practices. It will also change self-critical behavior which can lead us towards vulnerable child mode and generate overwhelming emotional conditions.

How to use the worksheet?

This worksheet is helpful for the client and practitioners to heal and deal positively. Instruct clients to think about a bad experience that hurts them. They ask them to write its details and their driving meaning of it. Then ask them to think about their current situation and write some sentences of gratitude that they are in a better place now with better feelings. Further, ask them to write a forgiveness letter on daily basis for people who hurt them even if it’s impossible to forgive them write it regularly. Later they have to rate their % of hate for the person regularly. Ask client to fill out this worksheet regularly. Facilitate clients towards the generation of positive emotions by counting their strengths and achievements. 

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