Helicopter worksheet

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What is the theory behind this Helicopter worksheet?

Humans experience emotional distress in situations they deem unfavorable. Negativity bias towards life circumstances can contribute to intense emotions, which can in turn distort our perception about those circumstances. A multi-dimensional view of difficult circumstances called helicopter view can help clients come up with appropriate solutions.

How will the worksheet help?

This worksheet provides a system to approach problems with a helicopter view. The purpose is to make the client objectively look at the big picture of difficult situations. An objective view will allow them to come up with a logical solution to problems.

How to use this worksheet?

Ask the clients to view a problem in a bigger picture through the following angles: Self, others, outsiders, and wise-mind. Instruct clients to read the questions and write their responses. They can keep it as a reminder and practice it from time to time. 

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Sussex Publishers. (n.d.). The helicopter technique metaphor. Psychology Today. Retrieved October 15, 2022,   from https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/spycatcher/202005/the-helicopter-technique-metaphor