Intersubjective Systems Theory (ISTDP) Worksheet

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This worksheet is designed to help individuals explore and understand their emotional and relational dynamics through the lens of ISTDP. It aims to provide insights and promote healthier interpersonal interactions.

What Are The Theories Behind This Worksheet?

Intersubjective Systems Theory (ISTDP) is rooted in psychodynamic therapy, focusing on the relationship between therapist and patient. It emphasizes understanding the unconscious emotions and motivations that influence our relationships. The theory posits that our psychological problems are often a result of maladaptive interpersonal relationships and that healing comes from experiencing and understanding these dynamics in new ways.

How Will This Worksheet Help You?

This worksheet is crafted to help you identify and explore interpersonal patterns that may affect your mental health and relationships. It aims to help you better understand your emotional triggers and responses and enhance your capacity to form and maintain healthy relationships.

How Should You Use This Worksheet?

Set aside quiet time for reflection and write down your thoughts and feelings as you go. This process is not about right or wrong answers but about gaining insights into your experiences and emotions.

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