Jungian Sandplay Therapy Worksheet

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Jungian Sandplay therapy is a therapeutic method that uses a sandbox and a variety of miniatures to allow individuals to express themselves non-verbally. It was developed by Dora Kalff and is rooted in the principles of Jungian psychology. 

What Are The Theories Behind This Worksheet?

This worksheet is grounded in Jungian psychology, particularly the concepts of the collective unconscious and archetypes. Carl Jung believed that symbolic play in sand allows individuals to access their deeper, often unspoken, psychological worlds. The notion of symbolic images’ healing function and the psyche’s transformative power also influences this therapy.

How Will This Worksheet Help You?

By engaging with the sand play prompts, you can:

  • Unlock emotional blockages and resolve conflicts.
  • Connect with your inner self and understand unconscious thoughts.
  • Enhance emotional healing through creative expression.

How Should You Use This Worksheet?

Find a quiet space where you can work undisturbed. If possible, use a small sandbox and miniature figures. Drawing or visualizing the scenes can also be effective if these are unavailable. Allow yourself to be intuitive and build or arrange elements without overthinking. Reflect on the scenes you create and consider what they might symbolize about your internal state.

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