Mental health vocabulary worksheet

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What is the theory behind this Looking after your mental health worksheet? 

Mental health refers to a person’s psychological state. It is important for everyone to maintain mental health every day, including children. Mental health is usually determined by how people think, feel, and behave. People with poor mental health may have difficulties with emotions and behaviour.  

How will the worksheet help?

Mental health is an important part of our lives that we do not often talk about. When talking about mental health, it is essential to understand the various terms used. This worksheet contains helpful definitions to support conversation about mental health as well as a brief explanation of them. The worksheet will make it easier for clients to talk about their mental health. 

How to use the worksheet?  

The worksheet can be used by a therapist during initial sessions or given as homework to the cleint. The client can use it as a self help guide. Parents can also use this worksheet with their children to give them awareness about mental health.  

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What is feeling? definition of feeling (Psychology dictionary). (2015, July 5). Psychology Dictionary.