Moral reconation therapy worksheet (PDF)

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What is the theory behind this Moral reconation therapy worksheet?

Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT) is a therapy aimed at the substance abusers among the population in the prison system, charged with offence. ( to reduce likelihood of their behavior to reoccur). It is used to change the thought process and actions by enhancing moral reasoning. It is a step by step treatment process.   

How will the worksheet help?

This worksheet is based on one of many treatment exercises of Little & Robinson (1990) who originally came up with Moral Reconation Therapy. The purpose of this exercise is to give clients insight into the things that really mattered in their life. Knowing about the things that actually make you happy can help you in preventing problematic behaviors.

How to use this worksheet?

This worksheet requires you to sit at a comfortable and quiet place where you can completely focus. Pay attention to the question and write your answer in detail. Use your imagination skills. Be as descriptive as possible. 

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