Personal Goal Setting Worksheet (PDF)

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What is the theory behind this Personal Goal Setting worksheet?

Goal setting refers to an action plan that motivates an individual to attain their goals. It is a comprehensive guide that highlights the goals, ways to achieve them and additional things such as a specific timeline, or a breakdown of mini goals etc. It has to be as compact as possible so it only mentions relevant details that can actually help you towards your end goal. 

It has multiple benefits as a guide, a motivator and a performance tracker. Goal setting behaviour is known to increase self confidence by instilling positive thoughts about the future and making the individual feel in control of their own lives.

How will the worksheet help?

This worksheet will provide a simple template for setting personal goals. It will also provide some helpful tips that can ensure successful achievement of one’s goals. The template can help beginners in their goal setting journey as it is compact and easy to use. 

How to use the worksheet?

This worksheet can be used by therapists, counsellors and teachers to help teach individuals with planning and achieving personal goals. Instruct them to read the tips for successful goal achievement before moving on to deciding on a personal goal, its timeline and actions that can help achieve the goal and actions that can hinder their progress. Encourage them to return to their action plan to give feedback about their progress midway and by the end of their timeline. 

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