Personal Medicine Worksheet

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What is the theory behind this Personal Medicine Worksheet?

“Personal Medicine” is a term used for activities in which people engage to feel better and improve their level of “wellness.” Psychiatric medications can’t completely solve our problems with mental illness. Although medications can assist us in achieving our goals, we also need to be active. A recent study found that promoting resilience through self-care can help manage stress-related noncommunicable diseases. This approach emphasises the connection between the mind and the body.

How will the worksheet help?

Personal medicine is what we perform, while psychiatric medicine is what we take. They collaborate to support us as we overcome our issues with mental health. This worksheet will help clients in discovering their personal medicines and recognizing when to utilise these medicines to feel better.

How to use the worksheet?  

The therapists can use this worksheet during sessions to make clients able to discover their personal medicine. Clients can also use this as a self help guide to work on their personal medicine to be active and feel better.  

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(n.d.). Dawn Farm – Compassionate, affordable care for addictions.