Positive Reframing Worksheet 

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What is the theory behind this Positive reframing worksheet?

Positive reframing can be explained as analyzing and managing a negative situation in a more positive and realistic way. When human beings involve in a stressful or negative situation we incline ourselves toward negative and disturbing sides. Positive reframing helps humans balance both negative and positive perspectives of any situation It enhances our ability to deal with the situation more positively. 

How will the worksheet help?

This worksheet can help clients reduce the stress created by negative thinking. It helps the client grab new opportunities despite fear of failure and will help the client be more resilient after having a positive outcome. It defuses the intensity of the situation by creating positive thoughts and helps the client be less stressed. This worksheet will create an equilibrium in the client’s thoughts. 

How to use the worksheet?

This worksheet is helpful for the client to identify their own negative thoughts. Instruct clients to identify all the distressful thoughts. Later ask them to reframe it into positive ones initially it will be difficult client to think of another way but ask them to do it and try hard to think more positively. Lastly, after implementation of these thoughts asks them to write the outcome in terms of emotions and behavior. 

You can download this worksheet here.

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