Prescription Drug Abuse Worksheet 

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What is the theory behind this Prescription Drug Abuse Worksheet?

Prescription drug abuse can be explained as using a prescribed drug in ways that are not instructed by health care professionals. For example, consuming them in greater quantities or using them for a longer time period than suggested by a health care provider.

How will the worksheet help?

The worksheet will provide information about prescription drug abuse and its negative consequences as well as their short-term benefits. This worksheet will be helpful to anyone who wants to increase their knowledge about prescription drug abuse. Specifically, it will benefit people contemplating working on their misuse of prescription drugs.                                                                                   

How to use the worksheet?

The worksheet requires you to read about prescription drug abuse and its related consequences. Then it requires you to fill in a small portion of the questions below where you will be doing a cost-benefit analysis of using prescription drugs. You will also get to know about guidelines related to the safe use of prescription drugs.

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McHugh, R. K., Nielsen, S., & Weiss, R. D. (2015). Prescription drug abuse: from epidemiology to public policy. Journal of substance abuse treatment, 48(1), 1-7