Procrastination Worksheets for Students

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What is the theory behind this Procrastination worksheet for students?

Procrastination is defined as self-defeating behavior or failure of self-regulation. The act of delaying your tasks until the last minute or deadline is called procrastination. This irrational delay can bring different negative consequences and disturb the overall functioning of an individual. Research has proved that procrastination is a common cause of failure in academics, work, and different areas of life. It can also cause result in low self-esteem and anxiety when occupational and academic needs are not met.

How can this worksheet help you?

  1. This worksheet can help you identify your procrastinating behaviors and help you improve them.
  2. You will first identify the tasks and assignments that you are/have been procrastinating on and what are alternate behaviors, or activities you are involved in.
  3. You will then explore the perks and cons of your procrastinating behavior.
  4.  Then you can explore the ways in which you can work on this self-defeating behavior and bring positive outcomes in your life.

How to use this worksheet?

  1. This worksheet is an essential tool for identifying your self-defeating behaviors and how can improve them.
  2. Just simply download this worksheet can take a printout.
  3. Think of the situations where you delayed your tasks and performed another task instead.
  4. Write them down and their consequences as well.
  5. In the next section, write ways in which you can stop this behavior and start working on your tasks. 
  6. Keep this worksheet with you so you can read it frequently to keep reminding yourself to follow your tasks and stop procrastinating. 

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