Relapse Autopsy Worksheet 

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What is the theory behind this relapse autopsy worksheet? 

The theory behind a relapse autopsy worksheet is that it can help individuals to understand why they relapsed, in order to prevent future relapses. A relapse autopsy is a process of reviewing and analyzing the events, thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that led up to a relapse. The worksheet can be used as a tool to guide individuals through this process. The worksheet is based on the cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) theory which suggests that thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are interconnected and that changing negative thoughts and behaviors can improve emotional well-being. By identifying and analyzing the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that led to a relapse, individuals can gain insight into the underlying causes of their relapse and develop strategies to prevent future relapses. 

How will the worksheet help? 

 The worksheet can also help individuals to identify high-risk situations and triggers that lead to relapse, and develop a plan to avoid or manage those situations in the future. Overall, the relapse autopsy worksheet can be a powerful tool for helping individuals understand and learn from their relapses, and make positive changes to prevent future relapses. The relapse autopsy worksheet can help individuals in several ways:

  • Identifying triggers and high-risk situations: The worksheet can help individuals to identify and understand the situations, thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that led to their relapse. This can help them to identify high-risk situations and triggers for future Developing strategies to prevent future relapses: With a better understanding of the causes of their relapse, individuals can develop strategies to prevent future relapses. This may include developing coping mechanisms, setting goals, and identifying specific actions they can take to avoid high-risk situations.
  • Improving emotional well-being: By identifying and changing negative thoughts and behaviors that led to a relapse, individuals can improve their emotional well-being and reduce the risk of future relapses
  • Making the process a habit: By regularly reviewing and analyzing relapses, individuals can make the process of relapse autopsy a habit, which can lead to better understanding and management of relapses over time.

Overall, the relapse autopsy worksheet can be a useful tool for helping individuals understand and learn from their relapses, and make positive changes to prevent future relapses.

How to use the worksheet?  

This worksheet is easy to use. Just follow the given instructions. it’s important, to be honest, and thorough in filling it out. The more detailed and accurate the information, the more helpful it will be in understanding the causes of relapse and developing strategies to prevent future relapses.

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Kids, L. (n.d.). Relapse autopsy. Worksheets & Coloring Pages for Kids – Learny Kids.


Relapse autopsy worksheet. (2022, October 12). Mental Health Worksheets.