Relapse Prevention Plan for Depression Worksheet 

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What is the theory behind this Relapse prevention plan for depression worksheet?

When individuals seek therapy basic idea of the therapist is to make clients more independent and work on their coping style. Problems and distress are part of life the most important thing in life is persons coping mechanism which can make life better or worst. During therapy, the therapist works on several areas of the client and improves their coping style. Relapse occurs when a client gets back to the previous maladaptive coping style. So some guidelines should be given to them to deal better with difficult situations in order to prevent relapse.

How will the worksheet help?

This worksheet will help the client to take adaptive steps and adopt a better coping style. It will help clients to face difficult situations and deal with them in a more realistic way. It will enhance the problem-solving and decision-making of clients and will help them seek solutions by looking into multiple directions    

How to use the worksheet?

This worksheet is helpful for a client in order to have more understanding of how to manage themselves after therapy. Instruct clients to identify what situations can be the cause of distress. Give them a guideline about their disorder’s signs and symptoms and help them to take steps upon experiencing it for the very first time. Ask them to identify their signs and symptoms intensity. Later ask them to read healthy ways to cope with any situation. 

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