Social Skill Worksheet Skill: Consequences

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What is the theory behind this Social Skill Worksheet Skill: Consequences?

One key social skill to teach children is that their actions or behaviour will always result in either a positive or a negative consequence. Inculcating this skill in young children can ensure they stay mindful of their actions and how it can affect themselves and others around them. 

How will the worksheet help?

This worksheet will help children learn about the consequences of their actions. It will help them develop the realisation of how their actions can affect themselves and others around them either positively or negatively. This will help them become more mindful of how they should act in social situations. 

How to use the worksheet?

This worksheet can be used by teachers and school counsellors as part of extensive social skills training in young children. Instruct them to read the actions on the left of the table and write down what they think will be the consequences of those actions on the right side of the table. 

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