Social Skills Conversation Starters Worksheet

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What is the theory behind this Social Skills Conversation Starters Worksheet?

Conversation Starters are prompts that one can use to initiate conversation with another. Listing down some common conversation starters can help young kids who have trouble initiating and maintaining conversations with their peers. It can also be helpful for kids dealing with mental health conditions that hamper their social skills.   

How will the worksheet help?

This worksheet will provide some conversation starters that can be used by young kids to initiate conversations with others around them. In group counselling and classroom settings these conversation starters can be used for role-playing activities to help enhance social skills. 

How to use the worksheet?

This worksheet can be distributed to young kids in  group counselling or educational settings to help their conversation skills. After a thorough discussion on the etiquettes of conversation, the prompts in this worksheet can be used in role plays to further reinforce their learning. 


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