Stigma in addiction recovery worksheet

What is the theory behind the Stigma in the addiction recovery worksheet?

In our society, stigmatism is a very common problem. People who stigmatize other people don’t know the impact it creates on other people’s lives. People who are in addiction recovery may also face stigmatization. Stigmatization can affect the well-being of the people in recovery and negatively impact the process of healing and recovery. 

How will this worksheet help you?

This worksheet can serve as a stigma assessment tool in which you can also explore your belief about people with addiction, how your belief changed from childhood to now and how can you help other people with the same problem. Further, you can explore how stigma can cause serious problems in our social and occupational life. This will motivate you to create awareness about it and help people in recovery. 

How to use this worksheet? 

Take a printout of this worksheet or use a digital copy. In your free time answer all the items of the worksheet one by one. Explore ways (with your therapist, on the internet, or in your support group)  in which you can help people with addiction problems and write them down. 

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