Therapy Gratitude Worksheet

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What is the theory behind this Therapy Gratitude Worksheet?

Practising gratitude along with other clinical interventions has shown to positively influence one’s overall wellbeing, self-esteem and resilience among many other aspects.. The state of thankfulness makes people appreciate the little things in life that may go unnoticed otherwise. It also allows them not to get influenced so easily by the negative factors trying to bring them down. 

How will the worksheet help?

This worksheet will guide clients on how to maintain a ‘Gratitude Jar’, as part of their coping toolbox against stress and depression. It will help them practise gratitude on a daily basis and act as a reminder of all the good things in their life to help move their focus away from their negative emotions. 

How to use the worksheet?

The activity in this worksheet can be used in individual and group counselling sessions for people of all ages. 

Follow the instructions as mentioned and make it a habit to fill the gratitude jar at least once daily or consistently on your own chosen schedule. 

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