Therapy Worksheet About Control

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What is the theory behind this Therapy Worksheet About Control?

Whenever we face hard times or difficult situations there are always factors related to it that are within our control and those that aren’t. The only way to face such a situation head on and not let it overwhelm us is to focus on the aspects of it that are within our control. It’s best not to waste one’s energy in worrying about things outside of one’s control. According to Stephen Covey, focusing on what one can do instead of things beyond their control is a characteristic of proactive people. 

How will the worksheet help? 

This worksheet is based on the ‘Circle of Concern-Circle of Influence’ concept developed by Stephen Covey. It will help clients to think about and write down factors related to a difficult situation that are in their control and those that are not. This will help them focus on working with the controllable aspects and not fret over the uncontrollable ones. It can be especially helpful for clients seeking help for anxiety since it tends to make them focus on and excessively worry about the big uncontrollable things. 

How to use the worksheet?

This worksheet can be used in individual or group settings. Ask the client to write down what is in their control in the middle circle then what is of little control in the circle outside and then the things that are completely uncontrollable in the outermost circle. Tell them they have to actively focus on things that are in their control. 

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