Words of Affirmation worksheet 

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What is the theory behind the words of affirmation worksheet? 

Neuro-Linguistic experts emphasize the importance of communication skills, and the profound impact of language on our mental well-being and relationship with self and others. Positive affirmations are linked with healthy self-esteem and self-confidence. Often times, we are self-critical, which leads to an endless cycle of self-loathing and feelings of shame.

How will this worksheet help?

The worksheet can help individuals in a number of ways. Positive affirmations will have a positive impact on emotional well-being and overall mental health. Positive affirmations will serve as a reminder for personal achievements and accomplishments. It will be your feel-good project.

How to use this worksheet?

In order to use the words of affirmation worksheet, individuals should first set aside some quiet time to focus on themselves. They should then work through the worksheet, spending some time thinking about their positive attributes and accomplishments, and writing down any words of affirmation that come to mind. They should then read through their list of affirmations regularly, and make an effort to focus on and internalize the positive messages they contain. 

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