Workplace Expectations Worksheet

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What is the theory behind the worksheet?

The present worksheet is based on the satisfaction-dissatisfaction paradigm, which states that if an activating stimulus is perceived as desirable, it will impact judgments in a positive way (Aurier & Guintcheva, 2014).

How will the worksheet help

This worksheet will help practitioners create a better picture of the client’s source of discontent, by identifying the unrealistic expectations. When we take on a new job or imagine our ideal workplace, it is natural to form expectations about how it will look, how we will relate to our boss and colleagues, and how we will behave when we encounter various issues (Angeline, 2011).

How to use the worksheet

 Help us understand your goals better by answering the following questions as sincerely and creatively as possible. Describe your expectations and goals in statements or groups of words.

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Aurier, P., & Guintcheva, G. (2014). Using Affect–Expectations Theory to Explain the Direction of the Impacts of Experiential Emotions on Satisfaction. Psychology and Marketing, 31(10), 900-913.


Angeline , T. (2011). Managing generational diversity at the workplace: expectations and perceptions of different generations of employees. African Journal of Business Management, 5(2), 249-255.