Anger in the Family Worksheet

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What is the theory behind this Anger in the Family Worksheet?

Anger Management Therapy helps individuals with anger issues to identify their triggers and warning signs and learn effective coping strategies that can help them manage their anger before it hurts them or others around them. Oftentimes these individuals may have families at home that are the worst affected by their anger impulses. The individual needs to learn to manage their anger at home to maintain a healthy family dynamic and a positive environment. 

How will the worksheet help?

This worksheet will help individuals struggling with anger impulses to keep a log of their anger outbursts. This worksheet can help them become more observant of their behaviour as opposed to acting on their anger impulses in the moment. It will help them gain insight into their behaviour and also provide valuable information to the therapist to incorporate into the treatment and goals. 

How to use the worksheet?

This worksheet can be used in anger management sessions specifically with individuals who are seeking to manage their anger at home. They can use this worksheet to keep a log of their anger episodes including the situation, intensity, early warning signs, triggers and consequences. They must also do a self-reflection exercise at the end and write down how they could have acted differently in the situation.


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