Spirituality in Recovery Worksheet for Adults

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What is the theory behind this Spirituality in Recovery Worksheet for Adults?

Spiritual well-being can be defined as the way you connect with your core values and purpose in life. To discover such values human beings strive and find it difficult to connect with their inner selves. In the process of recovery, it is essential to connect within the self. This worksheet has been designed to provide a sense of spiritual well-being and connection with self and values. 

How will the worksheet help?

This worksheet will help individuals understand and connect to their values and inner self. By using worksheets during the process of recovery they will be able to identify their spiritual goals and beliefs. It will provide them with the ground to connect themselves through meditation and gratitude.  

How to use the worksheet?

The first part of the worksheet requires individuals to identify their core values and spiritual beliefs. Then individuals will need to find and address their purpose in life. Lastly, there is gratitude practicing and adoption of some activities regularly to connect inner self and find inner peace.

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