ABC Worksheet: REBT Style

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What is the theory behind this REBT Style ABC worksheet?

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy is a concise form of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy that focuses on emotions and thinking patterns associated with the processing of a negative event. Thus emphasising the role of one’s interpretation and analyses of a certain situation in determining the subsequent emotions and behaviours The ABC model (Antecedent-Belief-Consequences) is the foundation of REBT. It can be effective for managing stress, anxiety, depression and anger issues among many others.

How will the worksheet help?

The worksheet will provide a template of the ABC model that can be used with clients to make them realise it is not the event itself that causes distressing emotions but how one interprets it. This will help them identify their irrational beliefs and how they are connected to their distressing response. The dispute part of the worksheet will prompt them to analyse their beliefs and replace them with better alternatives. 

How to use the worksheet?

This worksheet can be used soon after a negative event has happened or for an event in the past. First describe the event, followed by the beliefs regarding the event. Next, write about the emotional and behavioural consequences. In the end analyse all the responses to establish their rationality and come up with better alternatives. 

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