Anxiety management worksheet

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What is the theory behind this Anxiety management worksheet?  

Everybody goes through periods of anxiousness throughout their lives. It’s a typical response to challenging or strange circumstances. Numerous self-help techniques have been suggested for anxiety, according to research, and they have been shown to reduce the symptoms of mild anxiety. 

How will the worksheet help?

The coping skills are required to manage anxiety. The worksheet will give awareness to the client about some simple anxiety management skills that will help in anxiety management. It is a toolkit for clients that can be used to manage anxiety.  

How to use the worksheet?  

This worksheet can be used by a therapist during the session or given to clients as homework. The therapist instructs clients to practise these activities religiously to manage anxiety. Client will make his anxiety management weekly schedule after learning anxiety management skills.     

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10 strategies for managing anxiety. (n.d.). Anxiety, depression and suicide prevention support – Beyond Blue.