Anxiety Thoughts worksheet

What is the theory behind this anxiety Thoughts worksheet? 

Humans commonly experience anxiety in response to imagined danger. When it appears without any challenge or stress, when it lasts longer or is more severe than the challenge or stress, when it causes a great deal of distress, and when it impairs one’s ability to function in social, occupational, biological, or other ways, it is perceived as excessive. High levels of stress and anxiety are frequently fueled by irrational thoughts. These irrational beliefs are dealt with using CBT approaches.

How will the worksheet help?

The worksheet will give concepts of rational and irrational thoughts to the clients. It makes clients aware how irrational thoughts play a role in increasing anxiety and teaches clients to challenge negative thoughts.    

How to use the worksheet?  

This worksheet can be given to clients during therapy sessions. Clients find it difficult to write down their negative thoughts so the therapist should guide and assist them during working on this worksheet. 

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Selva, J., Bc.S., & Psychologist. (2021, February 14). Challenging negative automatic thoughts: 5 worksheets (+PDF).