College Goals Worksheet 

What is the theory behind the College Goals Worksheet?

Goal setting is important if you are planning towards achieving your educational goals in time. Goal setting in High school or college is as important as it is in any other domain of life. Goals setting helps students identify areas in which they are weak and want to grow during their academic years.

How will this worksheet help you? 

With the help of this worksheet, you can explore the areas that you want to grow and work towards. It will help you in setting specific, measurable, and effective goals for your college. When your goals are specific, and defined then it’s more likely you are motivated to work towards them. This worksheet provides you with the opportunity to define your goals, its positive and negative outcomes so you know in what direction to head towards.

How to use this worksheet? 

This worksheet comprises all of the items that help you in defining your goals, why they are important, and what outcomes they’ll bring. You can think of the most prioritized goals and complete the worksheet accordingly. You can time to time update this worksheet to keep track of your progress. 

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