Coping With Change Worksheets For Adults

What is the theory behind this worksheet?

Coping with change means discovering practical skills, attitudes, and actions one can take in the face of change. The underlying theories may include the “Resilience Theory”-which focuses on an individual’s ability to bounce back from adversity. Therapies may include:

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)– focuses on identifying negative thought patterns about change and enhancing adaptive strategies.

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)- incorporates practices to help individuals stay present at the moment.

How will this worksheet help you?

This worksheet aims to:

  • Encourage individuals to take their time in reflecting 
  • To remind them that coping with change is a process that involves self-discovery and adaptation.

How should you use this worksheet?

This worksheet can be used by individuals to reflect on themself and adapt to the changes in a positive way.

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