Family Tree Worksheet

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A family tree is a chart or diagram representing a generation of families and how they are connected throughout the years. It is also called a genealogy or a pedigree chart.

A family tree can include names, birth dates, marriage dates, and pictures of your close or extended family.

What Are The Theories Behind This Worksheet?

  1. Family Systems Theory

This human behavior theory defines a family as a complex social system where members interact to influence each other’s behavior. It is a theory designed to comprehend the human function that emphasizes establishing a connection between people in a family.

How Will This Worksheet Help You?

This worksheet will help you connect with your family more deeply by learning about your family’s past, where they came from, and who they are. It will also help you develop a great sense of belonging.

How Should You Use This Worksheet?

This worksheet should be used when a family member wants to understand their existence and how they are connected to their ancestors (someone you descend from).

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1.- (No Date). REASONS WHY KNOWING YOUR FAMILY HISTORY IS IMPORTANT. Available at:  [Accessed March 13, 2023]


Preply. (© 2012-2023). Speaking about family in English: How to talk about your relatives. Available at: [Accessed March 13, 2023]