Gratitude mapping worksheet

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What is the theory behind this worksheet?

Gratitude is the feeling of gratefulness for the good things or blessings in life. It is like someone reflecting on how lucky he is for having something good. The underlying theories include the principles of  “Positive psychology”- which focuses on positive aspects of human life, such as happiness, gratitude, strengths, and fulfillment. And the therapy that aligns with it is 

  • CBT- especially its cognitive restructuring component when integrated into gratitude practices encourages individuals to think positively, promoting well-being.

How will this worksheet help you?

This worksheet aims to 

  • Encourage individuals to visually represent and reflect on various aspects of their lives
  • Fostering a sense of gratitude 
  • Contributing to overall well-being.

How should you use this worksheet?

Gratitude mapping may involve visually representing and reflecting on various aspects of one’s life for which one feels grateful.

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