Hungry angry lonely tired worksheet (PDF)

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What is the theory behind this Hungry angry lonely tired worksheet?

Hungry, angry, lonely and tired, mostly known as H.A.L.T, are four common stressors in a person’s life that can either cause hindrance or success during recovery. Proper nutrition, dealing with emotions, having a companion and being properly rested are essential for mental health. If any of these four areas is disturbed, it is likely to affect an individual’s behavior. More specifically, during treatment for addiction, not keeping these four areas in check may cause a person to relapse.

How will the worksheet help?

The purpose of this worksheet is to help clients keep track of their nutritions, emotions, social life and rest. Through this worksheet the clients will be able to reflect on the things that are preventing them from taking care of these four essential areas as well as they will make use of the strategies they have learned during therapy, to work on them.

How to use this worksheet?

To use this worksheet, write the unhealthy behavior you are desiring (this could be any maladaptive behavior that may make you relapse to your old problematic habits). Then take some time and focus on the questions below the H.A.L.T sign. Answer them appropriately.  

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