Mental health support system worksheet

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What is the theory behind this Mental health support system worksheet?

A good support system is crucial for mental well being. According to the research, individuals with a firm support system have a better and earlier recovery rate from a mental disorder. It also leads to good therapeutic success. A support system involves having a network of family, friends and other material means and resources that you can be helpful in the time of need.   

How will the worksheet help?

At times a client is unaware of the support system they have. This worksheet will help individuals in identifying their support systems and also the obstacles they may face to utilize it. This also helps clients gain insight into the solutions to overcome those obstacles. At times a client is unaware of the support system th

How to use this worksheet?

To use this worksheet, think about all the means you have that can be useful during a mental health crisis. It could be family members, monetary resources or even online free available as well as reliable sources. Write down all the details and ways to overcome obstacles in their designated spaces.

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