Moral Inventory Worksheet

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The journey of self-improvement often begins with understanding our moral compass. This worksheet is designed to help individuals introspect and evaluate their moral beliefs and behaviors.

What Are The Theories Behind This Worksheet?

Firstly, it draws from the moral development theory proposed by Lawrence Kohlberg, which suggests that moral reasoning evolves through stages as we grow. Additionally, it incorporates elements from the virtue ethics theory, emphasizing the role of character and virtue in moral philosophy. These theories offer a framework for individuals to assess and develop their moral reasoning.

How Will This Worksheet Help You?

The worksheet is a structured guide encouraging deep reflection on personal values, ethical dilemmas, and moral decisions. By systematically evaluating various aspects of your moral framework, you can gain insights into your core values, recognize areas for growth, and understand how your morals influence your daily life. It’s a step towards conscious moral development and ethical living.

How Should You Use This Worksheet?

To get the most out of this worksheet, approach it honestly and openly. It’s not about judging yourself but understanding and acknowledging your moral standpoint. This exercise is best done periodically, as our moral understanding evolves with time and experience.

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Kohlberg, L. (1984). The Psychology of Moral Development: The Nature and Validity of Moral Stages. Harper & Row.


Aristotle. (2000). Nicomachean Ethics (R. Crisp, Ed.). Cambridge University Press.


Haidt, J. (2001). “The Emotional Dog and Its Rational Tail: A Social Intuitionist Approach to Moral Judgment.” Psychological Review, 108(4), 814-834.