My body belongs to me worksheet

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What is the theory behind this My body belongs to me worksheet?

It is very important to teach young children the importance of types of touch. Good touch is the one that is not abusive (such as hugs from a family member, a friendly pat on the back , or shaking hands etc), while bad touch is the one which has a sexual intention behind it. Mostly it is a touch on someone’s private areas. 

How will the worksheet help?    

This worksheet will help the younger clients in learning which part of their bodies are private and are off limits to anyone. Also they will be able to prepare themselves if they experience a  touch of sexual nature. Interestingly, the same friendly touches can also be called bad if the intentions behind them are of sexual nature rather than friendliness. They will also be able to reflect on the types of relatives they have.

How to use this worksheet?

To use this worksheet, the young clients are required to differentiate which part of the body is private and which is not by  labeling them in the required space. Furthermore, the facilitator or the therapist is required to ask the reflective questions and write down the client’s responses. 

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