My Needs Pyramid Worksheet

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What is the theory behind this My Need Pyramid Worksheet?

Fulfillment of one’s needs, according to the humanistic perspective of psychology, is crucial for reaching the optimal level of our potential. It becomes difficult to meet those needs if one is unaware of them. Knowing and prioritizing them accordingly is the first step towards reaching this goal.  

How Will the Worksheet Help?

This worksheet will help you to be aware of your needs and figure out which need is more important than the other. Prioritizing them will motivate you to achieve them. It will also enable you to communicate your needs effectively to your loved ones. Moreover, understanding your own needs will help you recognise the needs of other around you.

How to Use This Worksheet?

Read the need bubbles from Section A and learn about the important needs of human beings. In Section B, fill out the pyramid and arrange them in a hierarchy according to your own preference. Discuss with the therapist: Which needs are fulfilled and which needs remain unfulfilled. Develop a plan to meet your needs in an acceptable manner.

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