Printable CBT for OCD Intrusive Thoughts Worksheet 

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What is the theory behind this Printable CBT for OCD Intrusive Thoughts Worksheet?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder can be split into two components obsession and compulsions. The first part contains recurrent distressing thoughts that pop into clients’ minds rigorously such thoughts are generally named Intrusive thoughts. These thoughts are rigid and hard to challenge and create a certain amount of distress to get rid of that distress client performs compulsion which is a certain kind of act that relieves distress and these two components create a vicious cycle.

How will the worksheet help?

This worksheet can help clients assess their intrusive thoughts and the amount of anxiety attached to them. It gives clients knowledge about all of their compulsions that are present and causing distress. During therapy, the most important factor is to develop an insight into clients’ issues and help them work on them. This worksheet will help in the development of insight into their problems.    

How to use the worksheet?

This worksheet is helpful for the client to identify intrusive thoughts and their intensity. Instruct the client to write down their distressing thoughts and then rate % of anxiety associated with them on a scale of 1-10.  Later mention associated behavior. After assessing all the thoughts there client should mention healthy counterstatement. Through this worksheet, clients can identify thoughts and behavior and improve them. Further, exposure response prevention is recommended to deal with clients’ associated anxiety  

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