Recovery Activities Worksheet

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What is the theory behind this Recovery Activities Worksheet?

The recovery process is a challenging time for substance users. They need to commit fully to fighting their urges, something that requires them to always maintain a certain level of motivation and willpower. A good way to do that is to keep a list of activities that one can readily access whenever they feel low or demotivated to ensure they stay sober and on the road to recovery. 

How will the worksheet help?

This worksheet will help clients list down activities according to certain categories that they can readily access when in need. They can also use it to schedule or plan daily or weekly activities to keep up their motivation levels and receive the added benefits of a mood boost. 

How to use the worksheet?

Instruct the client to make a list of activities according to the given categories in the worksheet. Tell them to write activities they have tried in the past and also they have yet to try. They should keep the worksheet in a place where it is easily accessible when needed. 

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