Safety Therapy worksheet

What is the theory behind this safety therapy worksheet?

An evidence-based therapy called seeking safety aims to improve safety in those who have dealt with trauma and/or substance abuse. The Seeking Safety model’s main objective is to help individuals find safety in their relationships, thoughts, behaviours, and emotions. Following a traumatic event, many people opt for harmful coping strategies, which may include abusing drugs to reduce the pain. It also raises the risk of other mental health conditions like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and depression. By teaching clients appropriate coping mechanisms, Seeking Safety assists clients in moving from their traumatic past and regaining the confidence they need to move forward in life. 

How will the worksheet help?

Clients can benefit from this treatment paradigm without having a formal diagnosis of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or substance abuse because the main objective of Seeking Safety therapy is to improve safe coping skills applicable to both issues.The worksheet gives clients the chance to spend more time analysing their risky behaviour and practising their new coping mechanisms. 

How to use the worksheet?

The therapist can use this worksheet during the session. Therapist instructs the client to answer the questions given in the worksheets. 

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Klein, Y. (2021, March 26). What is seeking safety? | Therapy for PTSD and substance abuse. Evolve Treatment Centers.


Seeking safety therapy & treatment. (2020, March 19). Apex Recovery.